Friday, December 14, 2007

Girl's Soccer Uniforms x 2

Now we jump to the fall of 2006 (I'll have to look back through my notes to see if I can find my comments from the spring and fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006; I don't have soft copies of those game comments.)

This was our first season with a sponsor, so we splurged a little bit and turned some generic, white shirts into an alternate color jersey. It actually was one of the seeds that led us to the Breakaway Fashions jersey design that isn't intended to be tucked in. Our daughter preferred her alternate jersey over the much more expensive standard jersey.

On to the game. Our more experienced girls played great together. They were really starting to understand each other and make some good, smart passes. Our two new players that season did a good job as well. Got to go for now.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

2004 Fall - They were so little...and the jerseys so big

Back in the fall of 2004, our girls were only 4 or barely turning 5, but they seemed to love the game already. The picture on the left was taken after our last practice before our first game. We had just handed out the uniforms and went to get some ice cream. (Judging by the way the jerseys fit, there was clearly a business opportunity...Breakaway Fashions anyone? Uniforms made for little girls? What a concept!)

Well, all of them loved the game except Olivia; she seemed to prefer not being distracted by such things as scoring and defending. However, I do remember a game where we had only 3 players show up for the game (we played 3 v 3). It was drizzling. The field was muddy. And one of our 3 players was Olivia. It looked like we were in serious trouble. To all of our amazement, Olivia played her hardest that day. I don't know if she knew how much her team needed her that day or if we just got lucky, but all 3 girls hung in there for the whole game and played lights out. It really was a special day.

Four of the six girls stayed with the team for the next several seasons. If I can give one word of advice, make sure you reward the kids at this age for trying. Teach them to reward each other as well. Misses are as good as goals so long as the effort is there. Celebrate the effort. In hindsight, I'm not sure I emphasized that enough this first season. The coach had a lot to learn too.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Starting the Breakaway Fashions Soccer Team Blog - Soccer Uniforms for Little Girls

I'm starting this blog on this site in support of my wife's new business, Breakaway Fashions. They specialize in little girl's soccer uniforms (other types of sporting apparel will come later) that fit our young daughters.

I'm the coach of my daughter's soccer team. The team started back in 2004 when the girls were 4 turning 5. It was impossible to find cute, "girly" uniforms that were even close to fitting these kids. No one made uniforms for 4 to 5 year old girls.

Breakaway is now offering high-performance, wicking fabrics in sizes that actually fit these little girls. This includes tiny little soccer socks that won't bunch up inside their cleats; they don't go up to their waist either. That's just the practical side. The real hit is the choice of cute prints and skorts instead of shorts. Once the girls wear these uniforms, they never want to go back. (They're so comfortable, our daughter wants to sleep in her jersey and skort.)

The stories in this blog are based on messages I've sent out over the years to friends and family. Let me add a disclaimer about some of the pictures from previous years that you'll see associated with these stories. The girls were not wearing Breakaway soccer uniforms back in 2004 - 2006; the business didn't exist. It was the many difficulties associated with these other uniforms that prompted us to start the business. Enough with the disclaimers. I'll be adding stories from the past over the next few weeks. In the spring, I'll start adding new stories as the new seasons come and go.