Thursday, January 7, 2010

For the Goalkeepers...

I've mentioned that I like the footy4kids website. I got this link from them. It goes to a YouTube video of some professional goal-keeping blunders (some are just bad luck) that should make any of our kids feel better if they have a bad day in the goal.

I've got a player on my team that is a super goal keeper. However, she is also a perfectionist, and this makes it very tough for her. I know how she feels because I'm a lot like that myself. We have to teach our perfectionist kids that good effort is more important than always getting perfect results. By trying and occasionally failing, we allow ourselves to learn, experiment, and grow. We have to learn to "let go" of the failures and move on. Some kids do this very naturally. Others need to learn it. We can't let them think that they should quit to avoid failure; if they do that, they will never approach their true potential.

Now for the video link: Goal Keeper Blunders