Friday, June 26, 2009

Observations from Soccer Camp

Well most of the girls signed up for a soccer camp this week. The feedback from the girls was very good. They seemed to enjoy it and liked some of the things they learned. It was way hotter (highs around 100) this week than usual, so they must have really enjoyed it to not let the heat get the better of them.

There are many things I can point out later, but the thing that stands out in my mind right now is how much all the boys in the camp seemed to just love playing the game and how only a couple of the girls showed the same enthusiasm.

My sample could be skewed because the girls signed up as a team and the boys as individuals. To be willing to go to camp on your own vs. part of a group certainly is self-selecting for enthusiasm. Still, I wonder if there is a way I can envigorate our girls to the same level of enthusiasm or if its just something they have or don't have.

Thinking back to when I was a boy, I was like these boys. I just loved to play and compete in any game. It wasn't for wins or losses or standings or medals or trophies. It was just for fun. I want to see that same joy for the game in all the girls. The more you put into, the more fun you get out of it. It's just that simple. Can I get them to put they're all into it and recognize the reward?

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