Saturday, February 13, 2010

For those days when the ground is covered in snow

In North Texas, we don't get a lot of snow, but when we do, here's a couple of drills to keep those 6 year olds touching a soccer ball.
  1. The drill where you alternately touch the top of the ball first with the bottom of one foot, then the bottom of the other foot, and continue alternating. (If anyone knows the name of this drill, please add a comment.) Sometime I call it "top hat" or "hat dance" for lack of a better name.
  2. The other we call "ticky-tocky". You move the ball back and forth between your feet as quickly as possible like the pendulum on a grandfather clock.
These are challenging and very practical. If they just do it for a couple of minutes, I'm fairly certain it can make a big difference, but that's just a gut impression.

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