Friday, January 14, 2011

The Coach's Vision for the Team

I wrote some recent articles on coaching good field vision in your soccer players. However, there is a different type of vision a good coach should have. I'll admit I'm weak in this area myself.

A coach should have a clear vision for how he wants his team to play. I personally have often focused more on the tactics and skills we need to improve on to make up for some gaps revealed in the previous match rather than having a long-term vision of what we should be working toward.

Of course, you need a little bit of both. However, having a long-term vision and making sure you're working toward it takes a bit more discipline. The plan I have to help me will be to:
  1. Have a real vision. I mean a real picture in my head. In the case of soccer, more like a movie.
  2. Try to find something measurable to help you gauge your progress toward that goal. If your vision is to look like Barcelona (a bit ambitious perhaps), should you count the number of successful passes? Is there a better metric?
  3. Set incremental goals with dates. This will force you to prioritize the work necessary to reach your long-term goal. Since you have a metric, setting intermediate goals should be easy.
Finally, the coach's vision needs to take into account the strengths of his players. Forcing a square peg into a round hole is a hopeless task.

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